Bitcoin: 113N4Bi3zmQzKexxdEVRcFWa4pK4MRueW
News Clippings
New York Law Journal: Potential Pitfalls of the BitLicense.
Coindesk: Judge Dismisses Long-Shot Bid to Overturn New York Bitcoin Regulation.
New York Daily News: Man at center of bitcoin-bodega lawsuit wants Paul Krugman to testify.
Bitcoin.Com: Judge's Decision to Delay Bitlicense Hearing Considered a 'Positive Step'
Coindesk: Still Alive: NY Judge Delays Decision in Fight Against BitLicense.
BTC-Echo: Bitcoin: Währung oder Rohstoff? Der Fall Theo Chino aus New York.
CrowdFund Insider: BitLicense Battle: Hearing Scheduled for Chino vs. NYDFS, Following $1 Billion Claim in Damages.
Crypto Insider: New York Bitlicense: Oct. 10 court challenge may have worldwide bitcoin implications.
BTCManager: Bitcoin Foundation Fights Back Against Stifling Regulation in the US.
Independent: Bitcoin Foundation seeks legal protection from US currency regulation.
ITPro: Bitcoin news: Bitcoin Foundation readies legal team for US regulation battle.
BlockTribune: Bitcoin Foundation Retains Legal Counsel to Battle Regulators.
CryptoNinjas: Bitcoin Foundation retains counsel in its efforts to rid stifling Bitcoin regulations.
Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: US-Regierung will Offenlegung von Bitcoin-Guthaben bei Einreise in die USA. News: Updates in the Case Against the BitLicense.
Crypto Insider: The Morpheus case: competing theories on what it means for the rest of us.
ETHNews: ULC's Uniform Regulation Of Virtual Currency Businesses Act Creates Divide.
Internation Business Times: United Kingdom Boosts Fintech While Americans Threaten To Suffocate Bitcoin.
Crowfund Insider: The Bitcoin Foundation Asks Regulators to Push Pause on Regulating Virtual Currency.
Bitcoin Magazine: Some Small Movement in Cryptocurrency Regulatory Challenges This Week.
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock: Theo Chino and Pierre Ciric interview about challenging New York's bitcoin regulation. 纽约比特币许可证仍然耸立 西奥奇诺起诉NYDFS被驳回.
InfoCoin: The Bitlicense Battle on the Supreme Court Begins in Two Weeks. News: The One Man Supreme Court Bitlicense Battle Begins in Two Weeks.
BitsOnline: Legal Challenge to New York's BitLicense to Begin Soon.
The Cointelegraph: Bitcoin Foundation Backs "Final Opportunity" To Get New York's BitLicense Thrown Out.
WBAI 99.5 FM: Off The Hook (

) - Emmanuel Goldstein (

RobT Firefly (

), BernieS, Kyle,
volt4ire (

) and
Alex (

from 2600 (

) explaining this article 78 lawsuit.
(18 minutes)
Full show on 2600's website: (Air Date: March 29th 2017)
ETHNews: Virtual Currency Businessman's Legal Battle Against BitLicense Enforcement.
Bitcoin Center: Judge sides with Bitcoiners in defiance of the State Regulators' request to get BitLicense case thrown out.
Payments Compliance: New York BitLicense Dispute Faces Day In Court.
Bitcoin Mining: Arguments in New York Court With A French Bitcoiner.
CEI Blog: New York's "BitLicense" on Trial. News: A French Bitcoiner Argues in New York Court its too early to Regulate Bitcoin.
Before It's News: Affidavit of Jim Harper in support of a lawsuit challenging the New York Department of Financial Services BitLicense regulations.
Dash Times: BitLicense Court Case is Coming to an End Soon.
Bitcoin Uncensored's Stage B: 2017 NABC with Theo Chino and Pierre Cyric of the Ciric law firm. (

The Cointelegraph: Theo Chino: NY Authorities Are Using Bitcoiners in New York as Guinea Pigs.
You Me and BTC: Article 78 – YMB Podcast E147 explaining this article 78 lawsuit.
(18 minutes)
NewsBTC: NY BitLicense Under Scrutiny After Bitcoiner Files Lawsuit Against NYDFS.
CoinDesk: One Man's Fight Against the BitLicense Wages On.
Reuters: New York's bitcoin hub dreams fade.
Bitcoin FR: Théo Chino : un candidat atypique.
French Morning: wants to save bitcoin in New York.
French Morning: Un Français veut sauver Bitcoin à New York.